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Photos3 Page Me And my family

This page is about me & my family.

This is my oldest son Dominick he is 8 hes been riding since he was 5 !!

This is my youngest he is going to be 5 hes our next little rider
THat Me Getting about 10 foot up & about 20-25 foot out over a table top YAA BOY GOT AIR!!!
This is all of us at Universal ,for Meguires Make a Wish trip he had All leukemia were beating this !!!
Heres me & My WIfe Christie on August 14 1999 our wedding day !!

This was during our 3 month stay at Columbus Childres Hospital for his bone marrow transplant that was a sucess , Thank god.
Heres the kids & the dog Sadie !!

Visit Meguires Website at www.caringbridge.org/oh/meguire